Business Analysis

Identify Key Opportunities Through Comprehensive Business Analysis

You want to get all parts of your farm humming and are not sure where to start or need to drive further efficiencies from the business?

We specialise in full farm system reviews which involves a multi-point plan covering strategy and governance, finance, and operations which includes people, livestock, pastures and feeding, soils and fertiliser and also infrastructure.

This results in a full report with extensive recommendations to improve efficiency and profitability along with proposed courses of action to assist you reach peak performance. 

Stage 1: Set up a round table discussion with the key individuals involved in the business.  

At the meeting we discuss:

  • Business background to gain a solid grasp of your farming business including a full farm tour 
  • Your short, medium and long terms goals, covering business, family and off farm.
  • Delving into each of the eight aspects of a farm system review. 
  1. Strategy and governance,
  2. Finance,
  3. People, health, and safety,
  4. Pastures and feeding,
  5. Livestock and reproduction, 
  6. Soils and fertiliser, 
  7. Environment,
  8. Infrastructure.  

Stage 2: A comprehensive report is drafted. 

Stage 3: I return and go through the report with you.

Stage 4: We pin point the key actions to capture identified opportunities.  

Stage 5: Depending on these key actions, a plan to achieve these is set in place with time frames and completion dates. My involvement will be allocated according to your needs.   

Your farms' success is my priority!

Let's discuss how to implement and achieve your desired outcomes